Tuesday, May 21, 2013

In Recent News... Tornadoes hit the Midwest

By now you've probably heard of the tornadoes that have occured in the Midwest of the US. For those who are looking to stay informed via the internet, here are some media outlets that are providing live updates. 
Please note that you should always question the information that any media outlet provides to make sure that you have accurate information. The death tolls are often different depending on network and in fact, the Medical Examiner's office even revised their death toll number today from 91 to 24

I've also found this twitter handle of the National Weather Service in Norman, OK very useful in getting up to date weather information for that area from a reliable source. 
Things that you can do
  • Keep those affected in your hearts
  • Research & Donate to a reliable charity or fund
  • Stay informed! 
This last one is particularly important. You never know what's going to happen so even if you don't plan on being in an area with tornado risk, you should know what to do if a tornado siren goes off. I had no clue until yesterday, but now I know!
  • Get in a basement. If not possible...
  • Get in a bathtub (with a mattress on top). If not possible...
  • Move away from all windows

My thoughts are with those affected. 
*Please note that I am not endorsing any of the media outlets listed or linked above.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Alumni Event at 7 WTC

Last night, I had the opportunity to attend an alumni event at 7 WTC, the only one of the planned world trade center buildings that surround the 9/11 memorials. One of our fellow alumni is on the architectural team and talked to us about the innovations that have gone into the blueprints of these buildings. I found it especially timely that the NYTimes had printed an article today about the security that is being put into place and how that might take away from not only the aesthetics, but also the experience of the area.

What the towers are going to look like when they are all built. 
You'll notice that 1WTC is the tallest and they spiral down in height. 

The WTC buildings are all to have floor to ceiling glass, allowing for amazing views of the area and for the sky to be reflected by the buildings. 

9/11 memorial

This was my very first alumni event, and I had such a great time! I'm definitely going to have to go to more. It's so nice to be around people who understand the difference between Pacific and Atlantic salmon. ;)

// Have you ever been to an alumni event? Tell me about it below!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Weekend Brunch

My brunching habits are getting out of control. 
Seriously out of control. 

The recent trend has been to have family brunch on Saturdays, and then brunch with my friend and fellow brunch-lover, Kristen on Sundays. This photo here is from brunch at Boulud Sud, one of Daniel Boulud's restaurants. This one is Mediterranean inspired. 

Of my prix-fixe meal of house smoked salmon & Spanish omlette and ice cream (blood orange, anice, cinnamon), I have to say that the ice cream was the best. I wish I could get pints of it, though I'm sure that one pint alone would be my weekly dining out budget. 

However, they did have an interesting couscous yogurt parfait in the stater options, which would be amazing to be able to recreate at home. It was honey greek yogurt, large couscous, crasins, pomegranate and pine nuts. Seriously, try this at home. (and then let me know if you come up with a good recipe ;) )

// Do you have any weekend rituals? //