
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

6 Things You Should Know About Me

Casey from True Colours tagged me in this get to know you tag where you pick 6 out of 9 questions (at the bottom) to answer about yourself. 

1. What do you find inspiring?

i find a lot of inspiration in landscapes and other people. This is probably one reason that I am so addicted to traveling. Seeing new landscapes and meeting people from different backgrounds and cultures helps to give me perspective and inspires new ideas. 

2.  What is your favorite season of the year and why?

Autumn. It's so gorgeous with all of the changing colors, has amazing seasonal fruits and veggies, is the perfect time to get out your favorite sweaters and is my birthmonth. What's not to love?

3.  Of the places you've lived, where has been your favorite and why?

I haven't moved around too much- I move often, but often to the same place, or am actually on the move so I'm not living anywhere in particular. A suburb of Seattle, WA in the US, Chofu city in Tokyo Prefecture in Japan, New York City, NY in the US are the three cities that I've called home. I love them for all different reasons so I honestly can't choose just one, but I think that I'm subconsciously put them in the order that I love them when I listed them. 

4.  What has blogging changed about your life?

Blogging has introduced me to world and friends that I had no idea existed before. It also gave me a great creative outlet for my writing and photography and taught me the importance of having a schedule and keeping to it. I'm still not the best at this, but I'm working on it!

5.  What song is at the top of your playlist currently?

I also have Emi Meyer's On the Road on my playlist when I'm ... erm... on the road ;)

6.  What do you think is your best quality?

I'm usually quite down to earth, which is funny because I was always high strung growing up. I guess that's what travel and being an expat does to you- or at least did to me!

// Instead of tagging specific people, I'm going to leave this open ended. If you'd like to participate, please consider yourself tagged. Be sure to leave a comment down below so I can add a link to your post in this one. And if you'd like to just choose one or two and answer those in the comments below, I'd love to hear from you that way, too!

1. What do you find inspiring?
2.  What is your favorite season of the year and why?
3.  If you could jump on a plane right now, where would you go?
4.  If you met someone who wanted to know about your blog, how would you describe it?
5.  What is one goal you'd like to accomplish before your next birthday?
6.  Of the places you've lived, where has been your favorite and why?
7.  What has blogging changed about your life?
8.  What song is at the top of your playlist currently?
9.  What do you think is your best quality?

{{ Happy Tuesday, Everyone!! }}


  1. What a great fun way to know more about you. Enjoyed learning more.

    Sex w. Candy

    1. Thanks, Aileen! It was really fun to write and not necessarily things I would otherwise write about so I'm really glad I was tagged :)
